
February 8, 2023 Mission

Shook Releases Documentary About Mission Trip to Mozambique

Obrigado Mucombeze square

As part of our global mission trip program, Shook Construction sent eight employees to Mozambique, East Africa, in April 2022 to build new, on-campus teacher dormitories for a remote school for SAM Ministries.

Seeking a team driven by storytelling and inspiration, we partnered with ManaVision, Inc. who traveled to Mozambique with the team to capture the experience. The resulting documentary, "Obrigado Mucombeze" (Thank You Mucombeze), shares a glimpse of both the joy and obstacles our team faced in Mozambique and the incredible impact this experience had on their lives.

We are truly grateful to our partners at ManaVision for their vision for this film. Their passion and tenacity shines. Additionally, we would like to thank our partners at SAM Ministries for allowing us to be a small part of their story and life-changing work.

Below, you will find a link to the documentary’s website, which includes the full version of the film. We hope you enjoy watching it and consider sharing it with others. Together, we can drive momentum for positive change in our communities.

Obrigado Mucombeze square
Obrigado Mucombeze square